Piotr Pałys – Czech Prolusatian Organizations in the Second Part of the 40’

Czech activist relaunched their organized activity in the year 1945. A few weeks after its resumption, the authorities agreed to reactivate the Friends of Lusatia Society. Shortly afterward the organization had 22 divisions. In 1946 the number of its members amounted to 8450. Initially, the Society promoted the view that Lusatia should become a part of Czechoslovakia as soon as possible. In the face of a fiasco of this idea, it was replaced by the thesis concerning panslavic character of the Sorbian issue. After February of 1948, in accordance with the will of the USSR and German communists, this issue was deemed as a German internal affair. It did not, in fact, saved the Committee from the shutdown. Another organization that was actively supporting the Sorbian issue was Prolusatian Committee of Czechoslovakia in Czeska Lipa.